Book Reviews

 Need a Book Review? Check out our list of reviewers below

Review Policy: The KBR does not receive payment for our reviews, nor do we review print books. We’ll ONLY accept a digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review of your book. If a reviewer can’t get into your work, believes the book needs work, and/or is not eligible for a 3-star rating or higher, he or she is not required to write a review. *** We do not review Erotica.

  1. Scroll through our list of awesome reviewers below and contact ONE (1) reviewer that best matches the genre of your book. (You can try another until you find a reviewer who is interested).
  2. Write a formal review request to only one reviewer. Include a brief synopsis, the author’s name, the title of the book, and a link to the book in the Amazon Kindle store. If we do not receive a formal request, or if you are sending out blanket requests we will not review the book. Make sure the subject of your email is: KBR Review Request.
  3. Include a digital copy of your book in the format that works best according to the reviewer’s specifications.
  4. If the reviewer you contact communicates that they are not interested, feel free to try another one.
  5. DO sign up for our Author Newsletter so you do not miss upcoming events, contests, and promotions.

What to expect:

  1. Wait patiently; we get many requests for reviews a week. Our reviewers are not obligated to review your work. If they don’t get into your book, you may not see a review. NO HATE MAIL PLEASE. We all know how subjective literature is. You can always contact another reviewer. Please allow between two to four weeks to hear back from the reviewer. If you do not hear back within that time frame, you are free to contact another reviewer.
  2. Expect an honest review. When we opened our doors to reviewing, we changed our policy to accept any small press/indie author no matter how many reviews he or she has received. So be kind to the reviewers and be open to accepting their opinion of your work.
  3. Do not contact the reviewer after he or she receives your ebook. He or she will send a written copy of their review and post it on Amazon, but with Amazon’s new review policies we cannot guarantee that the review will stay on Amazon. And remember, our reviewers are busy people too, and don’t deserve to be badgered. To increase your chance of keeping the review up on Amazon, you may gift a copy to the reviewer upon their agreement to review your book. (The KBR only post our reviews on Amazon, but the reviewer is free to post the review under their name at any site, including their personal blog if they have one. After all, the review is their intellectual property.)
  4. Feel free to add KBR reviews, or a snippet, to your “Amazon product description page” or website. This is our gift to you for allowing us to read your work.

Meet the KBR Reviewers…


Annette Ranald –  I am a practicing attorney by day, an historical and political fiction writer anytime else.  I have a blog on Facebook and Goodreads.  I’m looking to make my mark as a book reviewer of non-fiction work, since I read so much of it.  I’m interested in history, biography, memoir, current events, self-help, satire, almost anything non-fiction except for paranormal, religious or spiritual. When submitting your review request, be sure to include subject “KBR Review Request” and send to

Thriller/ Suspense/ Horror

Kelly Young – I am a nanny and newlywed who loves reading Mystery/Thriller novels, especially psychological thrillers. My favorite books are fast paced, nail biting thrillers with a lot of plot twists that suck me in from the very beginning and have me reading late into the night until the very last page. I help run a large book group with other nannies around the country who also love this genre. I am a goodreads reviewer and also blog about my favorite new books and authors. Some popular authors I like include B.A. Paris, Ruth Ware, K.L. Slater, Taylor Adams, Mary Kubica, and Harlan Coben. I especially love debut novels from new authors in this genre. When submitting your book for review, put “KBR Book Request” in the subject line and my email is*


Stephanie Lasley– As an avid Contemporary Romance reader, Stephanie has devoured over a hundred popular trilogies and stand alone novels. She loves curling up in her Lazy Boy chair while losing herself in the plot of a good story. Being a rapid reader will enable her to provide an author with a swift assessment of their work. When submitting your book please include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and email Stephanie at

Lashanta Charles – I’m an author, a mother of three (3.5 if you count my husband), and also a Soldier. I’m from South Carolina, but currently live in Washington state. When I’m not writing, I’m reading (or eating, eating is VERY important to me). I will read just about anything, but I do have my limits. My current favorite is Paranormal Romance. Yes, I love the idea of gorgeous alien men coming to cherish women as their life mates…sue me! I love romance period, but I get all warm and fuzzy for Sports Romances, New Adult Romances, Contemporary Romances, and College Romances. I love a good crisis, but I hate a cheater, and I’m okay with cliff hangers (as long as the next book is promised to me and it isn’t a year away). I’m also okay with books in a series as long as I can start from the beginning (even if they’re all stand alone). I won’t accept poetry and Y/A will be considered case by case. My preferred formats are Kindle or PDF. Send your review requests to

Mary Hooper – I love to read and I read several books a week. I currently do read ARC’s for a few select authors for honest reviews. I post reviews to Amazon, Goodreads and my Facebook page. I am working on setting up a Facebook page focused on reviews, spotlights for new releases and authors profiles. When submitting your book, please include KBR Review in the subject line and my email is

David Burnett – I am a retired statistician/ educational researcher, having retired as director of our state’s department of education. Currently, I teach psychology, part-time at a local community college. I love to read and to write, and I’ve published two novels. I enjoy photography, travel, and playing with our two – soon to be three – grandchildren. I enjoy Romance (contemporary, historical, time-slip), Spy/Adventure. I would prefer to receive books in either as Kindle books or mobi formats. I could also accept pdf files. When you send your formal request put “KBR Review Request” in the subject line. My email is

Science Fiction/Fantasy 

Traci Marlatt – A Recent College grad who loves books and would read all day if I could. I prefer Fantasy over Sci-fi, but I am not opposed to reading a good sci-fi either. What kind of book-nerd would I be if I were? I prefer reading on my kindle. And will “grade” on writing ability: character development, plot-line, world creation, editing errors, etc. depending on book needs. Email to: Subject: “KBR review request” and please include a synopsis. Happy Writing!


Jim Bennett – This poet will review any poetry as long as it’s in Kindle format. He’s married and lives in Toronto. Jim has taught “Poetry Techniques for Prose Writers” in Sheridan College. When contacting Jim, include the subject “KBR Review Submission” and mail to Be sure to attach your .mobi file to your email request. (A Kindle book author can get a copy of his/her book file by going to its project and starting to update it. You will be given an opportunity to download a preview of your Kindle ebook. Save this, it’s the .mobi file you need to send to me.)


None available at this time.

Children’s Literature

None available at this time.

Multiple Genres

Meridith West – I am a coffee drinking, horse riding mother of four who lives for the excitement and adventure of books! My favourite books are those with twists and turns, complex characters with a hint of romance. I am known for reading far into the  night for a book I cannot put down! I am a published author who loves supporting other writers. I am a Goodreads reviewer and blogger who looks forward to some great reads! Some of my favourite authors include Ilona Andrews, Amelia Hutchins, Nalini Singh and Stephanie Garber …anything fantasy is for me! When submitting your book for review put “KBR Book Request” in the subject line and my email is

Matt McAvoy – As well as writing books, I also love to read, and I will happily read and review ARCs and published books from authors and publishers; I will read ALL GENRES, FICTION AND NON-FICTION.  If I read your book I will post reviews on GOODREADS and on my popular book review BLOG, with links from my FACEBOOK and TWITTER accounts – I’ll also put your book’s cover on INSTAGRAM and my PINTEREST board “Books I’ve Reviewed”; Editorial Reviews can be added to Amazon in Author Central.  My reviews are very detailed and bloggy (usually several hundred words), and they do not shy away from honesty, but I’ll try not to dash dreams either!  I do comment on grammar, so please try to send me final proofs; for this reason I prefer PDF copies.

I also offer beta-reading, synopsis-writing, proofreading and editing services, all of which can also be found at my website.

If you have written a book which you would like reviewed, please send it to me via the form at:

Erin Everett – I am a mother of three who loves to submerge (and scare) herself with a good book. I tend to reach for a horror or thriller book but on occasion I like to mix it up with a good romance novel. I love the smell and feel of a book but due to space constraints the Kindle app is a great substitute. When submitting your book for review, put “KBR Book Request” in the subject line and my email is

Lindsay Hiller – I am the mother of three and author of a bestselling Young Adult/ Fantasy novel. I am addicted to reading and I go through at least three books a week. I prefer to read young adult, fantasy, regency romance and some historical fiction. I am a sucker for a good love story (no sex) so your book needs at least a hint of romance. When submitting for review, include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and send the book in a kindle-friendly format to

Rebecca Chessman – I am a full time working mother. I love nothing more than a cup of tea and a good book when I get home from work. My prefered genres are Romanace and fantasy. I also love a good murder mystery and crime thriller too. I have access to all formats to read on but I do prefer kindle as I can read it on the go on a larger screen. Please include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and email to

Autumn Turner – I am a chronic reader from Maine who enjoys dystopian fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, alternate historical fiction, science fiction, urban fantasy, paranormal non-romance fiction, and historical fiction. I rate books based on a combination of an author’s storytelling skills, presentation, and their technical skills (grammar, spelling, punctuation). I post all reviews to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BookDigits, Goodreads, BookLikes, and my own personal review blog. I accept .mobi files. Please put “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and send to

Elizabeth Alsobrooks – She was one of those girls whose parents would walk by her bedroom door and say, “turn off that flashlight and go to sleep,” because they knew she was hiding under the covers with a book. Though that was more than a couple years ago, she still loves reading. An Urban Fantasy author, she enjoys reading urban fantasy, paranormal, historical paranormal romance, horror, thriller and YA. Elizabeth accepts mobi, pdf, or epub formats. Please include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and email your request to

Diana Woody – Her personal interests are broad, including particularly anything that falls in the social sciences category. Diana has a B.A. in psychology, and a B.A. in political science, and is back in school to get her M.S. in Applied Statistics. She also enjoys indoor gardening (particularly gesneriads and orchids), outdoor gardening, hiking searches for orchids native to NJ, reading, playing the violin, playing the flute, playing awesome Euroboardgames, and cooking delicious fancy meals. When submitting your book please include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and email to

Carrie Smith –  has a strong following at book review site and on Twitter @ebooknewsca. Interested in all historical fiction, mystery, literary fiction and Canadian authors or themed books fiction or non-fiction.  Preferred formats Kindle (mobi), (epub) or Smashword code. Reviews are posted at KBR on Amazon and possibly one or multiple other locations – sample sites Twitter:  @ebooknewsca Web:, When submitting for review please include “KBR Review Request” in the subject line and email Carrie at Facebook –  ebooknewsca (new)

Gerald Sallier – An unabashed elitist, Gerald seeks to find those diamonds in the rough of self-published fiction. Those who transcend market politics and have something worth actually saying. He enjoys works with a philosophical twist (provided you’ve done your homework, no armchairs allowed) and loves a riveting satire – again, provided you actually have something worth saying. Silly musings need not apply. No romance or any other genre which is derivative of romance. No simple adult fiction, vis a vis YA. He enjoys science fiction, satire, humor, fantasy, and literary. When submitting your formal review request, be sure to include subject “KBR Review Request”. His email is

Sandi Hansen – I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love to read. I was the girl at school, or on the bus, who always had her nose in a book. I have even tried my hand at writing, working my way through college by writing for the college newspaper. I currently write reviews for, NetGalley, and for my Facebook page, entitled “Reading for the Masses.” I would be interested in proofreading and/or reviewing books in the following genres: Nonfiction: Anthropology, True Crime, History, and Self-help or Pop-Psychology. I would be willing to review children’s nonfiction in those categories, as well. Fiction: Mystery, Adventure, Sci-fi, and/or Young Adult fiction. I will read some Romance novels, but nothing involving vampires, werewolves, or other phantasmagorical creatures. If I am your girl, you may reach me at

Carol Piner – I’ve been an avid book reader since I was a child. My brothers and sisters would gather around me and between them they taught me to read at a very young age and I’ve been entranced since. I haunt my local library so much my librarian gave me a book bag that has this quote on it, “She is too fond of books, and it has addled her brain.” A quote by Louisa May Alcott. I read Thrillers, Crime, Humor. No Sci-fi or Horror. When submitting your formal review request, be sure to include subject “KBR Review Request” and send to

Deena Chadwick – I enjoy both fiction and non fiction books. I prefer Romantic Science Fiction and Computer or Internet related Non-Fiction. I have an ipad with the Kindle App and I’m a registered Smashwords member. Please send a mobi file or gift a copy. When submitting your formal request, include subject “KBR Review Request” and send to

Vicki Brinius – is a book loving, deal sharing shopper that reviews any family friendly genre. Submissions must be a Kindle version (mobi) or gifted. When submitting your review request, please include the subject “KBR Review Request” and send to

Leila Smith – By profession, Leila is a systems analyst, and has mastered a number of computer languages as well as spoken languages. However, she’s spent three years as a Literature major before switching to Economics. She accepts pdf, Kindle, and epub formats. Send a formal review request, with the subject “KBR Review Request” to

The Following Reviewers Are Not Available.

Check Back Soon!

Kathy Jacques – I’m a wife, mother, grandmother and I work in a managerial job. I’m a third generation Kindle reader and books are my respite. I read anything and everything. When submitting your book please include KBR Review Request in the subject line. Kathy’s email is

Daniel Almond – I enjoy fast paced thrillers and mysteries when it comes to fiction and philosophy/ psychology/ current events/ recent history in nonfiction. I’ve written one novel anonymously through a small publisher and do some blogging on political/ legal topics. I currently work as a corrections officer and previously served in the Marines for 8 years. When submitting your book for review, put “KBR Book Request” in the subject line and my email is

Lianne Johnson–As an educator and avid reader, books are fundamental to my life. I have been a teacher for 37 years, and one of my proudest accomplishments has been to foster a love of reading in most of the students I have encountered. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery, Non-fiction, Young Adult, Historical fiction are my favorite genres from which I choose books to read. After many years of teaching reading and writing, I have honed my skills in providing feedback. Consequently, I am venturing into a new realm: reviewing books. Currently, I am enjoying reading ARCs and then posting my thoughts on Social Media. When submitting your book for review, put “KBR Book Request” in the subject line.

C. J. Anaya – As an author of young adult fiction, I understand how hard it can be to get your book out there, and I enjoy promoting other author’s works. I not only book blog, but I also write a review column for SDE Magazine to further promote exceptional authors. I love YA, MG, clean romances of any genre, minus erotica, mysteries and thrillers. PG to PG-13 ratings please. I prefer mobi and pdf formats. Contact me at and include KBR Review Request in the subject heading.

Emma Hall -I am a current college student who is studying Biology but loves to read on my spare time. I have a passion for reading all fictional genres, including fantasy, YA, paranormal, and some contemporary books. If I am not doing school, I’m almost always reading. My Kindle fire is always charging and ready to take on the next adventure. I can devour a book in less than a day, so even though I am in college, I always have time for a good read. I will honestly review any book focusing mainly on storyline, character dynamics, and writing style. I will gladly post my reviews on my Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram book review accounts. I prefer Kindle format over any other because its easier access. Please include a brief synopsis along with your book review request in your email and use “KBR Review Request” in the subject line. You can contact me at

Randy Cade – I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s’s in California . I was part of the San Francisco music scene around the Fillmore Auditorium in the 60’s, graduated from UC Berkeley and became a book publisher in the 70’s, and was a pioneer in the computer industry in the 80’s. I want to present stories that have an element of realism and raw dialogue, violence & surprise plot twists. I want write with a sense of humor and in the way people really talk. I enjoy reading crime fiction, thriller, action adventure, and humor. I accept ebooks gifted to me or in a word or pdf file. Please include a brief synopsis along with your book review request in your email and use “KBR Review Request” in the subject lie. You can contact me at

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